From the Mind of Teresa Cuevas

Just some incites that I’ve learned along the way, quotes to live life by.

-The only person who can grant you permission is yourself.

-Don’t ask for permission to be a strong person.

-You are as small as your biggest insecurity, so let it go and become as big as your wildest fear.

-People fear success and instead bask in failure because success leaves all excuses in the dust.

-Learn as much as you can as often as you can.

-If you don’t like my opinions, get some of your own.

-Natural disasters may wash away everything you own, society may strip away your material possessions, but knowledge can never be taken away from you.

-Ignorance is the root of all misunderstandings.

-When you change your mindset, you change your life.

-We should all be skeptics, question the things you don’t understand and don’t make sense, don’t build your reality based on another’s perceptions.

-Don’t believe the hype, we all wear masks.

-Good people do bad things, everything is circumstantial.

-When all else fails, ice cream has your back.

-Not everyone can be a leader and leaders need followers, everything is dependent upon another to achieve harmony.

-Don’t carry a chip, wear badges.

-Vanity is profane insecurity.

-No one spends more time with you than yourself, do things that feel right for you, not for someone else.

-There is a fine line between sociological cultural norms and innate behaviors, don’t use one to define the other.

-Try to grow up without selling out what you know to be true to yourself.

-Everyone is crazy, the key is to find people in your life that will tolerate your level of crazy and vice versa.

-If you perpetuate the stereotype, don’t get mad when you are stereotyped.

-Everyone has a sob story, don’t use it as your crutch.

-Influence people not through coercion, but through intelligence and compassion.

-Self proclamations are projected insecurities, your character exudes from your actions, not your thoughts about yourself.

-Speak confidently, always believe in what you are saying, even when its complete rubbish.

-Don’t just dream, aspire to achieve.

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